Download PDF Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris  Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
Aturlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar!


1.  is - she - girl - beautiful = ...........................................
2. are - my - they - family = ...........................................
3. that - monkey - a - is = ...........................................
4. love - parents - I - my = ...........................................
5. is - my - he - brother = ...........................................
6. Mrs. Siska - teacher - our - are =  ...........................................
7. is - this - a - book = ...........................................
8. like - Dina - milk - drinks = ...........................................
9. very - football - Bayu - like = ...........................................
10. an - there - orrange - is = ...........................................
11. is - red - this - apple = ...........................................
12. has - Santi - two - dolls = ...........................................
13. is - Karina - my - friend = ...........................................
14. mother - my - cooking - is  = ...........................................
15. karina - student - is - a = ...........................................
16. doctor - is - Mr. Ahmad - a = ...........................................
17. small - it - is - table = ...........................................
18. is - a - bird - that = ...........................................
19. name - is - my - Jaya = ...........................................
20. has - Anita - white - bag =  ...........................................
21. hair - has - she - long = ...........................................
22. house - is - your - big = ...........................................
23. school - this - clean - is ...........................................
24. have - they - money - much =  ...........................................
25. nurse - Mrs. Siska - is - a = ...........................................

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )


1.  is - she - girl - beautiful = she is beautiful girl
2. are - my - they - family = they are my family
3. that - monkey - a - is = that is monkey
4. love - parents - I - my = I love my parents
5. is - my - he - brother = he is my brother
6. Mrs. Siska - teacher - our - are =  Mrs. Siska are our teacher
7. is - this - a - book = this is a book
8. like - Dina - milk - drinks = Dina like drink milk
9. very - football - Bayu - like = Bayu very like football
10. an - there - orrange - is = there is an orrange
11. is - red - this - apple = this is red apple
12. has - Santi - two - dolls = Santi has two dolls
13. is - Karina - my - friend = Karina is my friend
14. mother - my - cooking - is  = my mother is cooking
15. Karina - student - is - a = Karina is a student
16. doctor - is - Mr. Ahmad - a = Mr, Ahmad is a doctor
17. small - it - is - table =  it is small table
18. is - a - bird - that = that is a bird
19. name - is - my - Jaya = my name is Jaya
20. has - Anita - white - bag = Anita has white bag
21. hair - has - she - long = She has long hair
22. house - is - your - big = Your house is big
23. school - this - clean - is = This school is clean
24. have - they - money - much =  They have much money
25. nurse - Mrs. Siska - is - a = Mrs. Siska is a nurse

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 3 Kata Pilihan )

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