Download PDF Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 6 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris   Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 6 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
Aturlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar!


1. father - watching - my - is - match - football =
2. not - I - write - this - sentence - can =
3. mother - like - juice - very - orrange - my =
4. teacher - our - is - the blackboard - writing - in =
5. sister - my - wears - elder - blue - shirt =
6. don't -  I - have - red - jacket - a =
7. a - wants - to - Santi - buy - ruler =
8. expensive - this - of - shoes - the price - is =
9. not - my - friend - can - find - me =
10. mother - the kitchen - cooking - my - is - in =
11. the plant - alive - water - need - to - stay =
12. my - has - little - oval - sister - face =
13. the box - into - sister - my - puts - books =
14. aunt - her - is - a - teacher - not =
15. wants - he - a - car - buy - to =
16. bag - this - is - shooping  - very - big =
17. grandfather - very - my - fried - like - chicken =
18. I - tomorrow -  beach - will - go - to =
19. curly - handsome - Bayu - is - with - hair =
20. stall - to - my - fruit - cousin - goes =
21. school - yard - is - this - dirty - very =
22. parents - bookstore - is - going - to - my =
23. grandmother - has - a - big - our - house =
24. uncle - is - doctor - not - my - a =
25. she - beautiful - with - is - eyes - round =

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )


1. father - watching - my - is - match - football = my father is wathing football match
2. not - I - write - this - sentence - can = I can not write this sentence
3. mother - like - juice - very - orrange - my = my mother very like orrange juice
4. teacher - our - is - the blackboard - writing - in = our teacher is writing in the blackboard
5. sister - my - wears - elder - blue - shirt = my elder sister wears blue shirt
6. don't -  I - have - red - jacket - a = I don's have a red jacket
7. a - wants - to - Santi - buy - ruler = Santi wants to buy a ruler
8. expensive - this - of - shoes - the price - is = the price of this shoes is expensive
9. not - my - friend - can - find - me = my frien can not find me
10. mother - the kitchen - cooking - my - is - in = my mother is cooking in the kitchen
11. the plant - alive - water - need - to - stay = the plant need water to stay alive
12. my - has - little - oval - sister - face = my little sister has oval face
13. the box - into - sister - my - puts - books =  my sister puts books in the box
14. aunt - her - is - a - teacher - not = her aunt is not a teacher
15. wants - he - a - car - buy - to = he wants to buy a car
16. bag - this - is - shooping  - very - big = this shooping bag is very bag
17. grandfather - very - my - fried - like - chicken = my grandfather very like fried chicken
18. I - tomorrow -  beach - will - go - to = I will go to beach tomorrow
19. curly - handsome - Bayu - is - with - hair = Bayu is handsome with curly hair
20. stall - to - my - fruit - cousin - goes =  my cousin goes to fruit stall
21. school - yard - is - this - dirty - very = this school yard is very dirty
22. parents - bookstore - is - going - to - my = my parents is going to bookstore
23. grandmother - has - a - big - our - house =  our grandmother has a big house
24. uncle - is - doctor - not - my - a = my uncle is not a doctor
25. she - beautiful - with - is - eyes - round = she is beautiful with round eyes

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )

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